Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things we take for granted…

Originally uploaded by merfam
The Meredith Family has been without power for almost 5 days due to the aftermath of hurricane Ike. Now we know how Tina Turner must have felt, we really took a beating!

It’s astonishing how reliant we are on electricity. Without it we’re pretty lost, but since we almost always have it we never stop to think about how amazing it is. Little things like turning on a lamp, watching TV, enjoying a cold beverage, and opening the garage door are all things we all take for granted. These are truly wonderful things we all do everyday and never think twice about… but maybe we should.

The next time you see an employee from your local power company, shake his or her hand and tell them we couldn’t make it with out them. Buy them a drink, give them a hug, let them know what they do matters – I know I will.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Jason

Giant Cookie
Originally uploaded by merfam
I turned 36 on Sunday August the 31st and I have a lot to be thankful for. I’m married to my best friend Amy, and I have a great relationship with my daughter Nicole. I have an amazing mother and step-dad, wonderful in-laws and extended family. I have a very close circle of friends, and a dream-team group of coworkers.

I have my health (minus my two herniated discs), own reliable cars, live in a nice neighborhood, work for a great company, etc… etc…

Yes, life is good at 36; however this will be the last year that I will be in my mid-thirties. Next year I will officially be in my late thirties. And before I know it, I’ll wake up (hopefully) and be 40. Wow, when you’re young 40 sounds old, and now it’s something I strive to make it to.

I’m sure 70 will start to sound good when I’m in my sixties. – It’s all about prospective.