Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Jason

Giant Cookie
Originally uploaded by merfam
I turned 36 on Sunday August the 31st and I have a lot to be thankful for. I’m married to my best friend Amy, and I have a great relationship with my daughter Nicole. I have an amazing mother and step-dad, wonderful in-laws and extended family. I have a very close circle of friends, and a dream-team group of coworkers.

I have my health (minus my two herniated discs), own reliable cars, live in a nice neighborhood, work for a great company, etc… etc…

Yes, life is good at 36; however this will be the last year that I will be in my mid-thirties. Next year I will officially be in my late thirties. And before I know it, I’ll wake up (hopefully) and be 40. Wow, when you’re young 40 sounds old, and now it’s something I strive to make it to.

I’m sure 70 will start to sound good when I’m in my sixties. – It’s all about prospective.

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